来源:《石化技术》2014年第02期 作者:尚超
Source: "Petrochemical Technology" in 2014 second author: Shang Chao
聚氯乙烯(PVC)以其优异的综合性能和相对低廉的价格得到了广泛应用。软质PVC(一般指增塑剂含量在25质量份以上)可用于人造革、片材、薄膜、电缆等生产。目前,在生产PVC着色制品时,基本均采用捏合配料过程中直接加入着色剂,或使用预分散型色砂、色浆的方式,此方式不仅着色效果不好且对环境污染较大。而PVC用色母粒以其性能稳定、着色均匀、添加计量方便、对环境无污染等优点被日益推广使用[1]。中国石油化工股份有限公司北京燕山分公司塑料分公司与青岛双星鞋业股份有限公司(简称青岛双星集团)针对鞋底材料着色用色母粒技术交流过程中,双方提出了对软质PVC用色母粒进行研究,以优选国内外着色剂配混PVC树脂和相关助剂,采用同向双螺杆挤出机制得PVC色母粒,满足了青岛双星集团的产品要求。Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) has been widely used for its excellent comprehensive properties and relatively low price. Soft PVC (generally refers to the plasticizer content in more than 25 Quality) can be used for artificial leather, sheet, film, cable and other production. At present, in the production of PVC colored products, basic are the directly added to the colorant in blending process of kneading, or using a pre dispersion type sand color, color, this way not only coloring effect and great pollution to the environment. And PVC masterbatches with its stable performance, uniformly colored, add convenient measurement, on the environment without pollution is more and more widely used in [1]. China Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. Beijing Yanshan Branch plastic branch and Qingdao Double Star Shoe Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the group of Qingdao Double Star) for sole material coloring masterbatch technology in the process of communication, the two sides put forward the to study soft PVC masterbatches, preferably at home and abroad colorant with mixed PVC resin and additive, with twin screw extruder PVC masterbatch, to meet the requirements of group of Qingdao Double Star products.