来源:《石化技术》2014年第02期 作者:闫扶摇
Source: "2014 second" Petrochemical Technology Author: Yan whirlwind
稀土Y型分子筛作为优良的催化裂化反应催化剂已广泛应用于石油工业,但作为燃料油的脱硫吸附剂还是近两年受到关注的研究方向。目前工业采用的制备方法为常规水热交换法。改性以提高分子筛对噻吩类含硫化合物的选择性,用液相水热交换法在Y型分子筛中引入稀土元素,制备ReY型分子筛,并将其用于吸附柴油中的噻吩类含硫化合物。本实验采用不同金属离子[1-4],在不同温度下改性分子筛,制备ReY型分子筛催化剂,并考察其脱硫效果。1实验部分1.1实验试剂Y分子筛,拟薄水铝石,田菁粉,硝酸镍,硝酸铈,硝酸铵,均为分析纯,天津市光复精细化工研究所生产;硝酸,纯度为65%~68%,沈阳市经济技术开发区试剂厂生产;氯化镧,分析纯,国药集团化学试剂有限公司生产。1.2主要设备S312型数显恒速搅拌器,上海申生科技有限公司生产;KH-1000型数显恒温加热器,山东鄄诚华鲁电热仪器有限公司生产;SX2-4-10型箱式电阻炉,沈阳市工业电炉厂生产;XCB-150型干燥箱,承德市金建检测仪器有限公司生产;DLⅡ型智能颗粒强度测定仪,大连化工研究设计院生产;Y zeolite as a catalyst for catalytic cracking has been widely used in petroleum industry, but as a fuel oil desulfurization sorbent is a research direction in the past two years. At present, the preparation method for the industrial uses is the conventional water heat exchange method. Modified in order to improve the selectivity of molecular sieve to the sulfur compounds of thiophene, the Y zeolite was prepared by liquid phase hydrothermal exchange method, and the ReY type zeolite was prepared and used to adsorb thiophene sulfur compounds in diesel oil. In this experiment, we used different metal ions [1-4] and modified molecular sieves at different temperatures to prepare ReY type zeolite catalyst, and investigate the desulfurization effect. Experiment 1 part 1.1 experimental reagents Y molecular sieve, pseudo boehmite, Sesbania powder, nickel nitrate, cerium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, are analytically pure, Tianjin Guangfu fine chemical research and production; nitrate, and the purity was 65%~68%, Shenyang City Economic and Technological Development Zone reagent factory production; lanthanum chloride and analysis of pure, Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. production. 1.2 main equipment S312 type digital display constant speed stirrer, Shanghai Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is the production of; KH-1000 type digital thermostat heater, Shandong Juan Chenghua Lu Electric Instrument Co., Ltd. production; SX2-4-10 box type resistance furnace, Shenyang Industrial electric furnace factory production; XCB-150 type drying oven, Chengde City, Kim built detecting Instrument Co., Ltd. production; DL type intelligence particle strength tester, Dalian Research and Design Institute of chemical industry production;