来源:《石化技术》2015年第07期 作者:青曦晖;韩霈霆;雷鹏;顾飞;吉尚策;蒋春光;
Source: "2015 seventh" Petrochemical Technology Author: green Xihui; Han Peiting; Lei Peng; Gu Fei; Yoshihisa; Jiang Chunguang;
目前常规凝析气藏的相态研究可以说己经取得了很大的成就,相态测试技术也趋近成熟,但对非常规气藏如异常高压凝析气藏、低渗透凝析气田地层流体代表性问题、仪器的抗温抗压抗腐蚀能力方面还需要进一步研究。凝析气藏流体中含有大量的轻烃组分(主要指C2~C6)。这些组分对地面回收条件十分敏感,极易气化逸出被损失掉,如果选择合理回收条件(分离器压力和温度)可以将这部分回收,得到大量液烃。液烃量增大表现在流体密度减小,气油比合理,以消耗较小的地层流体量而得到最大的凝析液量,这个条件下所回收的油所消耗的总气量最低,气油比最低,在取得相同油量所消耗的储层条件下的井流物也最少,做到了合理使用凝析气藏的天然能量,达到合理开发、提高凝析油采收率的目的。目前对于轻烃回收方法大家精力主要集中在对轻烃回收工艺的研究上面,重点关注各种工艺的使用情况和具体实施参数的优化情况,而对于轻烃回收室内评价实验方面几乎没见到相关文献的报道,缺少成熟的实验技术和方法,特别是多级分离过程中轻烃回收实验方法未见到相关报道。1 SN气藏类型判断相图判别法实质就是根据相图的形态和储层温度等温降压线以及地面分离器条件所处的位置进行判别。The conventional condensate gas reservoir phase state research can be said has made great achievements, state measurement technology approach maturity, but of unconventional gas reservoirs such as corrosion resistance of the abnormally high pressure condensate gas reservoir, low permeability condensate gas reservoir fluid represents the problem, instrument can resist high temperature compressive still need further study. Condensate gas reservoir contains a large number of light hydrocarbon components (mainly C2~C6). These components are very sensitive to the surface conditions, and the extremely easy to gasification is lost. If the reasonable recovery conditions (the pressure and temperature of the separator) can be recovered, a large number of liquid hydrocarbons are obtained. The liquid hydrocarbon volume increases with the decrease of fluid density, gas oil ratio is reasonable, and the total amount of gas oil is lower, the gas oil ratio is the lowest, and the natural energy of the reservoir is obtained by using the natural energy. At present, we focus on the study of light hydrocarbon recovery technology, focusing on the use of various processes and the optimization of specific parameters, and the experimental method for light hydrocarbon recovery, especially the experimental method of light hydrocarbon recovery in multi-stage separation process has not seen the relevant reports. 1 SN gas reservoir type judging method is based on the shape of the phase diagram and the temperature of the reservoir temperature and the location of the ground.