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王黎明 胡秀:三甘醇天然气脱水的研究

来源:《石化技术》2015年第07期  作者:王黎明;胡秀;
Source: "Petrochemical Technology" in 2015, the seventh Author: Wang Liming;

The background of the research of natural gas dehydration is the traditional natural gas dehydration technology, which is widely used in domestic and international oil and gas fields. The essence of natural gas dehydration is to make the natural gas from the saturated state to be not saturated with water. The conventional natural gas dehydration method can be divided into solvent absorption method, solid adsorption method, frozen separation method and chemical reaction method, in which the solvent absorption method and solid adsorption method is widely used in [1]. 2 the main methods of natural gas dehydration are summarized as follows: (1) low temperature condensation dehydration. (2) J-T valve and turbine expander. (3) molecular sieve dehydration. (4) supersonic dehydration. (5) membrane separation dehydration technology. (6) freeze separation method. Three Gan alcohol dehydration equipment and process 3.1 Gan alcohol dehydration equipment (1) filter separator; (2) absorption tower; (3) glycol wealth for heat exchanger; (4) flash separator; (5) the TEG filter; (6) the TEG regenerator; (7) heavy waste and regeneration tower; (8) glycol pump. Three three glycol dehydration process for natural gas 3.2 glycol dehydration unit, on the theory, technology and operation, etc.. Natural gas containing liquid fluid after a conventional mechanical separation, natural gas through the bottom of the absorption tower into the dehydration unit, and from the top of the absorption tower of three glycol liquid to contact, three glycol solution will be natural gas water absorption, when the temperature reaches the top of the tower, from the top of the absorption tower, after heat exchanger
